Liberal leader: Romania's current prime minister has less power than her bodyguard

07 May 2018

Prime minister Viorica Dancila is only a puppet of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), who has less power than her bodyguard, and many of her cabinet members have been chosen based on their obedience to the party leader not their qualifications, Ludovic Orban, the leader of Romania’s main opposition party – the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Friday, May 4.

“I don’t think there has ever been so much stupidity in the government since the Revolution,” Orban said, according to local Mediafax.

“[PSD leader Liviu] Dragnea is paranoid, he only accepts people who are stupider than him. If someone tells him that [defense minister Mihai] Fifor wants to take his place, he executes him immediately. He has destroyed any logic in nominating ministers,” Orban added.

He also criticized the high number of ministries in the current cabinet, 28, and the high number of government agencies led by unqualified people, whose responsibilities overlap.

He added that his party is ready to take charge in 2020, despite some people’s skepticism. However, at the latest consultations with president Klaus Iohannis, PNL had no proposal for prime minister.


Liberal leader: Romania's current prime minister has less power than her bodyguard

07 May 2018

Prime minister Viorica Dancila is only a puppet of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), who has less power than her bodyguard, and many of her cabinet members have been chosen based on their obedience to the party leader not their qualifications, Ludovic Orban, the leader of Romania’s main opposition party – the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Friday, May 4.

“I don’t think there has ever been so much stupidity in the government since the Revolution,” Orban said, according to local Mediafax.

“[PSD leader Liviu] Dragnea is paranoid, he only accepts people who are stupider than him. If someone tells him that [defense minister Mihai] Fifor wants to take his place, he executes him immediately. He has destroyed any logic in nominating ministers,” Orban added.

He also criticized the high number of ministries in the current cabinet, 28, and the high number of government agencies led by unqualified people, whose responsibilities overlap.

He added that his party is ready to take charge in 2020, despite some people’s skepticism. However, at the latest consultations with president Klaus Iohannis, PNL had no proposal for prime minister.




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