Lufkin builds its USD 126 mln facility in Ploiesti West Park

Texas-based Lufkin Industries will build its announced production unit in Romania within the Ploiesti West Park, where it bought a 33-hectare land plot from the owners Allianso Business Park, the company has announced. Belgian Alinso is the majority shareholder and developer of Ploiesti West Park.
The USD126 million investment will become the company's biggest investment in Europe. The factory will be ready in 2012, when it will employ 300 people.
“One year after the beginning of works in the industrial park, Unilever and Lufkin Industries have already invested in the facility,” said Ivan Lokere, general manager of Alinso Group.
Alinso Group partnered with the Romanian founder of Piritex Group, Petrica Usurelu, in order to create the business park which is expected to required EUR 750 million investments in the next six years. Alinso owns 80 percent of the shares in the developing company, while Petrica Usurelu, the rest.
Unilever took a 30,000 – sqm warehouse in Ploiesti Business Park in April this year. A new logistic facility within the park, some 20,000 sqm, will also be available at the end of September this year.
Lufkin's facility will manufacture products for both the company’s oilfield and power transmission divisions with an initial focus on oilfield products.
“The new operation in Romania is a critical step in our strategy to expand our geographic reach to better serve our global customers. This will enhance our competitive position in the growing markets of the Eastern hemisphere,” said Jay Glick, CEO and president of Lufkin.
Read more about the project and about Lufkin here.