Romanian seaside city introduces free e-bus public transport

The City Hall of Mangalia, on the Romanian coast of the Black Sea, is introducing free public transport on electric buses starting August 1, the institution announced.
The buses, purchased as part of an EU-funded project, run in Mangalia and the resorts administered by the city, namely Saturn, Venus, Cap-Aurora, Jupiter, and Neptun-Olimp.
“Throughout the summer season, tourists can use public transport for free, from the station to the hotel or to other resorts of the city. After canceling the parking tax to encourage tourism in the resorts of Mangalia, this is another measure meant to attract more tourists to this part of the seaside,” Mangalia mayor Cristian Radu said.
The transport is free of charge until December 2023. The mayor said he would introduce in the Local Council a proposal granting free transport past this date as well.
The buses are manufactured in Turkey, have BMW electrical systems, and can transport 52 people, 18 of them seated. They are equipped with audio-video communication systems and platforms for people with disabilities.
As part of the same project, a depot for the buses is under development. The charging stations are set up at the end of the transport routes. The project also covers upgrade works to the seafront in Cap-Aurora, scheduled to start this fall.
(Photo: Mangalia Facebook Page)