Romania's EU funds minister resigns

22 January 2018

Romania's EU funds minister resigns

22 January 2018

Romania’s EU funds minister Marius Nica announced his resignation on Friday although he is part of a government that has already been dismissed after prime minister Mihai Tudose’s resignation.

Nica’s gesture is thus a symbolical one, given that he was one of the ministers who openly supported Tudose in his conflict with Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea.

Marius Nica said in a press release that the main challenge for 2018 is “avoiding the loss of EU funds in the Regional Operating Programme”. He claims that many local authorities in Romania have preferred to finance their projects with money from the state budget or from loans rather than draw EU funds.

The former EU funds minister also said that he signed financing contracts totaling over EUR 4 billion during his mandate.

(photo source: Marius Nica on Facebook)

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