Reborn in Romania: Extreme Living - Love, Grow, Matter

16 April 2012

You came here for work, sent by your company or as an entrepreneur; or maybe following your husband or wife; or following nothing more than a hunch without much “long-term substance”? What if Romania was not just a footnote but a real milestone in your life, a springboard of opportunities well grabbed - to a life of success, happiness, fulfillment beyond your expectations? You will find in this section inspiration to make just that of your stay in Romania: the land of the best of you.  Let us hear from you on topics of interest you’d like to see covered in this section: areas where you feel there is further room to excel, whether it is at work or in your personal life.

“What brings you to Romania?”

Vocabulary lesson: teleological.

That’s what we are, teleological beings. This means that anything we do is goal-directed, we do it with a specific purpose - to achieve an outward result, but also to fulfill an inner longing.

So how do you answer in conversations the unavoidable “...And what brings you to Romania?”

I guess most common answers are “for work”, “family reasons”, “charity work” - enough to spark an entertaining conversation. But, really, what brings you to Romania?

How about peeling some more layers off this answer?

What is the outward result you’re expecting and what is the true desire that was worth all this trouble of a relocation?

What is the real motive?

“Observe all men; thyself most.”- Benjamin Franklin

It is said that nobody on his/her deathbed wished he/she earned more money or spent more time at work.

If money or a fulminating career is your driver, what is behind that: what is it that money or making yourself a name mean to you? In fact money and career are just means – but means to what, what will it give you to obtain them?

Also: is money, career or whatever answer you gave the most important thing for you in life? Is this what would make you most content on your death bed? And worth whatever sacrifice you had to make by coming here?

Don’t make it about you.

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking “What's in it for me?" ” - Brian Tracy

This is the latest fashion in personal values. Capitalism and individual gain is not cool any more, giving and caring about others and the environment is the new aura to build your image on.

And you know what, it’s not just a fashion, it is actually the smartest strategy for egotism – for economic gain or career advancement but also in love, health or agriculture! You first sow, then reap, first give, then receive.

Making self-interest irrelevant (as in not a direct objective to follow) is the safest and most durable way of serving yourself. What’s the most famous customer service slogan say, “client is the boss”? The more you apply yourself to best satisfy the needs of your customers, the more happy paying customers you’ll have.

The watch-out is that this strategy only works if it’s authentic, if you really feel it with every cell of your body, otherwise, it’ll work against you. People will eventually, but always! smell a con-artist in “I care about you” – better be an open individualist.

Tom Brokaw said it nicely: “It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.”- whether in Romania or not.

Make it about you.

“The perfect man of old looked after himself first before looking to help others.” - Chuang Tzu

Surprise! No mistake, no trick, just an apparent paradox with the previous paragraph.

You get it from the Chuang Tzu quote, there is a healthy form of 'selfcenteredness', which is that of taking care of your energy and health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. To complete the paradox, taking care of yourself is the first step to giving to others.

Why do you think in the emergency instructions the flight attendants say: “If you’re accompanied by children, put your own oxygen mask first and then secure theirs.”

You cannot give what you don’t have, you cannot perform at any task if you’re not well. Your mom was right: eat well, sleep well, don’t drink too much, exercise, find a girl (guy) who loves you…

You think the reason that brought you to Romania might have sharpened up a little? Yes? No? Prove it!

By saying it aloud to yourself.

Magda Niculescu is a Transformative Coach, equally versatile with corporate clients (Executive Coaching) as well as private clients (Life Coaching).

She has a 15 year international corporate background having built brands, businesses and managers in Central Europe. As of 2007 she made the choice to dedicate herself exclusively to building people, to assist them to unleash their full potential and joy.

She now owns her coaching practice, Rise and Shine Coaching and works with ambitious individuals who want to excel as professionals, leaders and fulfilled vibrant human beings.


(photo source: Zazzle)


Reborn in Romania: Extreme Living - Love, Grow, Matter

16 April 2012

You came here for work, sent by your company or as an entrepreneur; or maybe following your husband or wife; or following nothing more than a hunch without much “long-term substance”? What if Romania was not just a footnote but a real milestone in your life, a springboard of opportunities well grabbed - to a life of success, happiness, fulfillment beyond your expectations? You will find in this section inspiration to make just that of your stay in Romania: the land of the best of you.  Let us hear from you on topics of interest you’d like to see covered in this section: areas where you feel there is further room to excel, whether it is at work or in your personal life.

“What brings you to Romania?”

Vocabulary lesson: teleological.

That’s what we are, teleological beings. This means that anything we do is goal-directed, we do it with a specific purpose - to achieve an outward result, but also to fulfill an inner longing.

So how do you answer in conversations the unavoidable “...And what brings you to Romania?”

I guess most common answers are “for work”, “family reasons”, “charity work” - enough to spark an entertaining conversation. But, really, what brings you to Romania?

How about peeling some more layers off this answer?

What is the outward result you’re expecting and what is the true desire that was worth all this trouble of a relocation?

What is the real motive?

“Observe all men; thyself most.”- Benjamin Franklin

It is said that nobody on his/her deathbed wished he/she earned more money or spent more time at work.

If money or a fulminating career is your driver, what is behind that: what is it that money or making yourself a name mean to you? In fact money and career are just means – but means to what, what will it give you to obtain them?

Also: is money, career or whatever answer you gave the most important thing for you in life? Is this what would make you most content on your death bed? And worth whatever sacrifice you had to make by coming here?

Don’t make it about you.

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking “What's in it for me?" ” - Brian Tracy

This is the latest fashion in personal values. Capitalism and individual gain is not cool any more, giving and caring about others and the environment is the new aura to build your image on.

And you know what, it’s not just a fashion, it is actually the smartest strategy for egotism – for economic gain or career advancement but also in love, health or agriculture! You first sow, then reap, first give, then receive.

Making self-interest irrelevant (as in not a direct objective to follow) is the safest and most durable way of serving yourself. What’s the most famous customer service slogan say, “client is the boss”? The more you apply yourself to best satisfy the needs of your customers, the more happy paying customers you’ll have.

The watch-out is that this strategy only works if it’s authentic, if you really feel it with every cell of your body, otherwise, it’ll work against you. People will eventually, but always! smell a con-artist in “I care about you” – better be an open individualist.

Tom Brokaw said it nicely: “It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.”- whether in Romania or not.

Make it about you.

“The perfect man of old looked after himself first before looking to help others.” - Chuang Tzu

Surprise! No mistake, no trick, just an apparent paradox with the previous paragraph.

You get it from the Chuang Tzu quote, there is a healthy form of 'selfcenteredness', which is that of taking care of your energy and health: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. To complete the paradox, taking care of yourself is the first step to giving to others.

Why do you think in the emergency instructions the flight attendants say: “If you’re accompanied by children, put your own oxygen mask first and then secure theirs.”

You cannot give what you don’t have, you cannot perform at any task if you’re not well. Your mom was right: eat well, sleep well, don’t drink too much, exercise, find a girl (guy) who loves you…

You think the reason that brought you to Romania might have sharpened up a little? Yes? No? Prove it!

By saying it aloud to yourself.

Magda Niculescu is a Transformative Coach, equally versatile with corporate clients (Executive Coaching) as well as private clients (Life Coaching).

She has a 15 year international corporate background having built brands, businesses and managers in Central Europe. As of 2007 she made the choice to dedicate herself exclusively to building people, to assist them to unleash their full potential and joy.

She now owns her coaching practice, Rise and Shine Coaching and works with ambitious individuals who want to excel as professionals, leaders and fulfilled vibrant human beings.


(photo source: Zazzle)


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