Media: Burger King's second try in Romania - opening 30 restaurants

US fast-food chain Burger King will open 30 restaurants in the next four years, upon its return to Romania, and plans investments worth tens of millions of EUR locally.
"The parent company will be directly involved in the brand's development in Romania and is planning investments worth tens of millions of EUR to open drives, street and shopping malls restaurants," according to market sources quoted by Ziarul Financiar.
The US group Burger King announced about two weeks ago that it had founded the Burger King SEE joint venture that will handle the brand's expansion in Italy, Poland, Greece and Romania. The company will hold the master franchise and can provide sub-franchising.
This would be Burger King's second attempt on the Romanian market, after the company Atlantic Restaurant System, the Burger King franchise operator in Romania, became insolvent and closed the network two years ago.
Diana Mesesan,