MedLife’s largest hospital in western Romania becomes COVID-19 support unit

MedLife, the leader of the private medical services market in Romania, announced on Tuesday, November 17, that its Genesys hospital in Arad will become a COVID-19 support unit. It is the second private hospital in Romania to join the public medical system.
The Genesys hospital is MedLife group's largest medical unit in the western part of the country. It will be prepared to treat moderate and severe cases that require intensive care hospitalization.
"We come to the aid of state authorities to fight together against the COVID-19 pandemic, and we provide the entire hospital unit with 20 beds with oxygen outlets and four intensive care beds, providing space, medical staff, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and logistics necessary to carry out the support activity during this period. All the hospital's usual activity will stop, no more births or other types of surgeries will be performed as long as it will be part of the COVID support circuit. […] At the same time, the patients from the western part of the country who need surgeries that can't be postponed will be transferred to our Polisano Hospital in Sibiu, where we have prepared all the necessary logistics for such situations," said Mihai Marcu, CEO and President of MedLife Group.
In addition to COVID-19 patients, MedLife also supports chronic patients with other pathologies. Thus, the MedLife Genesys unit in Arad configured the outpatient unit so that the activity in the specialized offices for monitoring patients with other diseases, as well as the laboratory activity, do not intersect with the circuits for the hospital.
MedLife has joined the fight against the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic through extensive COVID-19 testing programs and studies.
(Photo source: MedLife)