Metro Group's sales down to EUR 1.8 bln in Romania, cash & carry down while hypermarket business up

German retailer Metro Group posted sales of EUR 1.83 billion last year in Romania, down 3.5 percent on the previous year, according to the company. The group has also recorded a lower number of employees at the end of 2010, compared to the end of 2009. Metro group employs 13,558 people in Romania, down 1,286 people on 2009. Most of the drop in personnel came from the Real hypermarket division, which now employs 7,400 people, compared to 8,700 people in 2009.
Metro Cash & Carry recorded a drop in sales, while Real posted growth in Romania last year. The cash & carry segment saw revenues of EUR 1.13 billion, down 7.3 percent on 2009. Real hypermarkets had EUR 694 million in sales, an increase of 3.4 percent compared to 2009.
Metro Cash & Carry runs 26 stores in Romania, having added two units in 2010. Real has 25 hypermarkets in Romania, one more than it had in 2009.
Overall, the Metro Group recorded a turnover of EUR 67.3 billion in 2010, a growth rate of 2.6 percent worldwide.