Romanian minister assures BSOG will deliver 1 bln cubic meters of offshore gas for next winter

23 March 2022

Romanian energy minister Virgil Popescu announced that Black Sea Oil and Gas would begin production shortly at their Black Sea natural gas perimeter and estimated that the company would deliver some 1 bln cubic meters of gas in the first year of operations.

"Gas extraction from the Black Sea has already begun. Black Sea Oil and Gas have started [tests]. We will have the first gas this year. We will have 1 bln cubic meters more gas in the national transportation system this year," minister Popescu said, according to

However, as in the case of OMV Petrom - which operates another major natural gas perimeter in Romania's offshore area - BSOG expects the authorities to adjust the regulations, mainly the Offshore Law, before beginning operations.

Amending the Offshore Law will go in parallel with the tests run by BSOG, minister Popescu assured. He provided no insights into the nature of the amendments, though.

"I had a discussion in the coalition last week. We are convinced that in the next period, you will also see the Offshore Law in Parliament," Popescu said in rather vague terms.

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Romanian minister assures BSOG will deliver 1 bln cubic meters of offshore gas for next winter

23 March 2022

Romanian energy minister Virgil Popescu announced that Black Sea Oil and Gas would begin production shortly at their Black Sea natural gas perimeter and estimated that the company would deliver some 1 bln cubic meters of gas in the first year of operations.

"Gas extraction from the Black Sea has already begun. Black Sea Oil and Gas have started [tests]. We will have the first gas this year. We will have 1 bln cubic meters more gas in the national transportation system this year," minister Popescu said, according to

However, as in the case of OMV Petrom - which operates another major natural gas perimeter in Romania's offshore area - BSOG expects the authorities to adjust the regulations, mainly the Offshore Law, before beginning operations.

Amending the Offshore Law will go in parallel with the tests run by BSOG, minister Popescu assured. He provided no insights into the nature of the amendments, though.

"I had a discussion in the coalition last week. We are convinced that in the next period, you will also see the Offshore Law in Parliament," Popescu said in rather vague terms.

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