Romanian Moov Leasing hits EUR 10 mln valuation after selling 25% stake to Alexander Holding founders

Romanian mobility platform Moov Leasing said it reached a valuation of EUR 10 million after the founders of International Alexander Holding joined in as shareholders. Loredana and Simion Apreutese, shareholders of the group of companies within the International Alexander Holding, acquired 25% of the company’s shares.
Moov Leasing is a digital, all-in-one mobility platform founded by Bogdan Speteanu, former CEO of BCR Leasing, and Mircea Dihel, former CEO of Țiriac Leasing. It became operational in July 2023 and was officially launched on November 15.
Moov Leasing offers integrated car leasing services to individuals, free professionals, entrepreneurs, and companies based on a monthly rent. It allows the leasing package to be fully customized, as customers can choose the duration of the contract and the services required. They also have the option to add services, change or buy the car during the contract, or terminate it at any time.
“We invested in Moov with confidence and enthusiasm, as it is not only an operational leasing company but also a convenient integrator of technology solutions for individuals and legal entities. In a competitive market and a dynamic lifestyle, easily accessible, friendly, and transparent services will certainly be a strong differentiator,” said Loredana and Simion Apreutese, shareholders of International Alexander Holding.
By the end of the year, Moov Leasing will have assets worth EUR 15 million, with the aim of reaching a financing volume of EUR 100 million in the next three years, the company said.
International Alexander Holding is a family-owned company with Romanian capital founded in 2003. It is currently recognized as an independent 4PL integrator of transport services, integrated logistics, production, and real estate. Its operations are spread across various locations in Romania, Hungary, Serbia, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
(Photo source: Moov Leasing)