More changes in Romanian airline Tarom’s board of directors

08 May 2014

The Ministry of Transport has decided to change four out of  the six members of Romanian state-owned airline Tarom’s board of directors, sources close to the matter told local news agency Mediafax.

Tarom recently announced the new members of its board. Besides Dante Stein, former counselor of the Romanian Prime Minister, and now president of the borad, and Razvan Filipescu, president of the National Tourism Authority,  the new board also includes Iulian Matache, Radu Mihai Fleanta, Gabriel Dumitrascu, Toma-Dorin Campeanu and Dan Valeriu Andrei.

The replaced members are thus Manuel Donescu, Florin Luca, Constantin Sebesanu and Ovidiu-Petrisor Artopolescu, reports Mediafax. Another member of Tarom’s board, Bogdan Speteanu, quit this position a month and a half ago.

Romania’s Transport Ministry fired the entire board of directors at state-owned airline Tarom in November last year. The board was then led by Romanian banker Dan Pascariu.

Later, the Ministry of Transport appointed Dante Stein, Razvan Filipescu, Manuel Donescu, Florin Luca, Bogdan Speteanu, Constantin Sebesanu and Ovidiu-Petrisor Artopolescu in the board.

Media: Former members of Romanian airline Tarom’s board of directors sue the company for unjust dismissal

Irina Popescu,



More changes in Romanian airline Tarom’s board of directors

08 May 2014

The Ministry of Transport has decided to change four out of  the six members of Romanian state-owned airline Tarom’s board of directors, sources close to the matter told local news agency Mediafax.

Tarom recently announced the new members of its board. Besides Dante Stein, former counselor of the Romanian Prime Minister, and now president of the borad, and Razvan Filipescu, president of the National Tourism Authority,  the new board also includes Iulian Matache, Radu Mihai Fleanta, Gabriel Dumitrascu, Toma-Dorin Campeanu and Dan Valeriu Andrei.

The replaced members are thus Manuel Donescu, Florin Luca, Constantin Sebesanu and Ovidiu-Petrisor Artopolescu, reports Mediafax. Another member of Tarom’s board, Bogdan Speteanu, quit this position a month and a half ago.

Romania’s Transport Ministry fired the entire board of directors at state-owned airline Tarom in November last year. The board was then led by Romanian banker Dan Pascariu.

Later, the Ministry of Transport appointed Dante Stein, Razvan Filipescu, Manuel Donescu, Florin Luca, Bogdan Speteanu, Constantin Sebesanu and Ovidiu-Petrisor Artopolescu in the board.

Media: Former members of Romanian airline Tarom’s board of directors sue the company for unjust dismissal

Irina Popescu,



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