More Romanians move from cities to rural areas

18 August 2014

Some 118,000 Romanians moved from the cities to rural areas while only 74,000 went the other way around, from rural to urban, according to official statistics quoted by Ziarul Financiar.

This reflects a trend of people migrating from the cities to the villages which has increased in recent years. Part of this is due to people 35 to 50 who see no perspectives in the cities and want to reduce their costs of living by moving to the countryside.

In recent years, however, the trend has also been sustained by people who have developed successful careers in the cities and now want to become entrepreneurs in the countryside or just to have a more healthy and relaxed lifestyle.



More Romanians move from cities to rural areas

18 August 2014

Some 118,000 Romanians moved from the cities to rural areas while only 74,000 went the other way around, from rural to urban, according to official statistics quoted by Ziarul Financiar.

This reflects a trend of people migrating from the cities to the villages which has increased in recent years. Part of this is due to people 35 to 50 who see no perspectives in the cities and want to reduce their costs of living by moving to the countryside.

In recent years, however, the trend has also been sustained by people who have developed successful careers in the cities and now want to become entrepreneurs in the countryside or just to have a more healthy and relaxed lifestyle.





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