More rumours in Romania about imminent amnesty and pardoning ordinance

Romania's justice minister Tudorel Toader stated that he would be willing to give his opinion on the legality of an emergency government ordinance (OUG) on amnesty and pardoning, provided the normative act is initiated by another ministry, local reported.
The wording left unclear whether the opinion would be positive, though.
According to unofficial sources, one option considered would be that the General Secretary of the Government, Toni Grebla, initiate the OUG draft. But under existing regulations, the General Secretary can not initiate OUGs therefore the procedures (inked in a government ordinance) should be amended first. wrote on November 22 that the government is preparing the adoption of the OUG on amnesty and pardon in two steps. Step one: change OG 561 (in order to allow General Secretary file draft bills). Step two: The Government decides ad hoc, in one single reading, to adopt the OUG on amnesty and pardoning. One of the ministers would initiate the normative act, the interior minister, or even the Secretary General of the Government, Toni Grebla, under this scenario.
Romanian PM rejects rumours about imminent amnesty and pardoning bill
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