National day of Romanian food and wine may be celebrated in September

10 April 2018

The National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wine may be celebrated on September 15, according to a draft bill of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) submitted to the Senate.

A total of 16 PSD MPs signed the bill, including party leader Liviu Dragnea, according to local Mediafax. The initial date was September 11 but it was changed because it overlapped with the commemoration of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.

“An important component of the Romanian tradition is the culinary art specific to the geographical areas, with historical influences from those who have passed through or lived in the territory of the country and left their mark on the Romanian cuisine: the Ottoman, Greek, Arab, Armenian, Byzantine influence. Establishing a day to celebrate the richness of Romanian tastes and traditions is necessary to highlight the qualities of Romanian cuisine and wine and to make them known under the name of The Day of the Romanian Gastronomy and Wine,” reads the draft bill’s explanatory memorandum.

For this celebration, the central and local authorities can organize specific events on September 15, financed from the state budget.

The bill has to pass both Chambers of the Parliament, with the Senate being the first to debate it.

100 Places to See in Romania: Food & Wine

The Guardian: Romanian wines, value at brilliant prices

Irina Marica,


National day of Romanian food and wine may be celebrated in September

10 April 2018

The National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wine may be celebrated on September 15, according to a draft bill of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) submitted to the Senate.

A total of 16 PSD MPs signed the bill, including party leader Liviu Dragnea, according to local Mediafax. The initial date was September 11 but it was changed because it overlapped with the commemoration of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.

“An important component of the Romanian tradition is the culinary art specific to the geographical areas, with historical influences from those who have passed through or lived in the territory of the country and left their mark on the Romanian cuisine: the Ottoman, Greek, Arab, Armenian, Byzantine influence. Establishing a day to celebrate the richness of Romanian tastes and traditions is necessary to highlight the qualities of Romanian cuisine and wine and to make them known under the name of The Day of the Romanian Gastronomy and Wine,” reads the draft bill’s explanatory memorandum.

For this celebration, the central and local authorities can organize specific events on September 15, financed from the state budget.

The bill has to pass both Chambers of the Parliament, with the Senate being the first to debate it.

100 Places to See in Romania: Food & Wine

The Guardian: Romanian wines, value at brilliant prices

Irina Marica,




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