New EU VAT cross payment system for telecoms & electronic services suppliers in Romania
European telecom companies and companies which provide electronic services will be able to pay the Value Added Tax due to the Romanian state on account of services sold to Romanian consumers by using a special online platform on the Tax Administration ANAF’s website starting next year.
Then, the new EU regulations on VAT for electronic services, telecoms, and TV within the Union will be enforced. They rule that the VAT for such services will be paid by the supplier to the state where the individual consumer has their final residence, irrespective of where the supplier has their headquarters. In this case, the state is called Consumer Member State.
The ANAF will open a Mini One Stop Shop online on its website at January 1, 2015, which will allow firms to register, upload declarations and pay the VAT.
The same platform will be used by companies doing business in Romania, which have to pay VAT to other member states, thus simplifying things and avoiding to register and pay VAT separately to each of these states. But companies will pay the VAT at the level of the Consumer Member State.
Firms can already enroll in the system at ANAF, as it became functional for registration only yesterday (October 1), however a digital certificate is needed. To find out information about this system, e-mail or call +4021.305.70.81.