Nine new bus lines to serve tourist access to sights near Bucharest
Several tourist sights around Bucharest will be accessible by public transport starting August 1st, when the Bucharest Public Transport Service (RATB) will start its partnership with the Tourism Ministry and will set up nine bus tracks to reach areas nearby Bucharest.
The new bus lines will reach localities such as Cernica, Pasarea, Ciorogarla, Mogosoaia (Mogosoaia Palace in picture), among others, but will only be functional during week-ends. The Tourism Ministry and RATB are planning to expand the timetable for these routes so as to be reachable during the week too.
The price of a return ticket on such a bus will be of RON 15. the timetable for the rides will be between 8,30 and 16,00 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
The nine bus tracks are as follows:
Ghencea-Piaţa Presei Libere - Mănăstirea Căldăruşani - Mănăstirea Balamuci,
Ghencea - Piaţa Sf. Vineri - Granitul - Mănăstirea Cernica - Mănăstirea Pasărea,
Piaţa Sf. Vineri - Ghencea - Mănăstirea Ciorogârla,
Piaţa Presei Libere- Ghencea - Biserica Adormirii Maicii Domnului Călugăreni - Biserica Sf Ilie Călugăreni - Biserica Sf. Voievozi Hulubeşti,
Piaţa Presei Libere - Piaţa Sf Vineri - Biserica Adormirii Maicii Domnului Călugăreni - Biserica Sf. Ilie Călugăreni - Biserica Sf Voievozi Hulubeşti,
Piaţa Presei Libere - Ghencea - Biserica Sf. Gheorghe Brăniştari - Parcul Naţional Comana,
Piaţa Presei Libere- Ghencea - Mănăstirea Ciorogârla,
Piaţa Presie Libere - Piaţa Sf. Vineri - Mănăstirea Cernica - Mănăstirea Pasărea,
Piaţa Sf. Vineri - Piaţa Presei Libere - Mănăstirea Căldăruşani - Mănăstirea Balamuci.