No investor interested in Romanian state-owned syringe factory

28 March 2018

No investor showed interest in the privatization of the state syringe factory Sanevit 2003 Arad, local reported. The Economy Ministry took over the factory in 2012 to save it from bankruptcy but has failed to privatize it again.

The factory stopped producing in 2013. In August 2017, the ministry announced its intention to relaunch the privatization process either by selling the company or by attracting an investor to relaunch production.

The factory produces medical instruments, namely syringes and hypodermic needles for single use. The factory can produce 200 million syringes and 500 million needles a year.


No investor interested in Romanian state-owned syringe factory

28 March 2018

No investor showed interest in the privatization of the state syringe factory Sanevit 2003 Arad, local reported. The Economy Ministry took over the factory in 2012 to save it from bankruptcy but has failed to privatize it again.

The factory stopped producing in 2013. In August 2017, the ministry announced its intention to relaunch the privatization process either by selling the company or by attracting an investor to relaunch production.

The factory produces medical instruments, namely syringes and hypodermic needles for single use. The factory can produce 200 million syringes and 500 million needles a year.




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