Romanian finance minister says no more amendments to “greed tax” ordinance needed

03 June 2019

Romanian finance minister Eugen Teodorovici believes not much has remained to be revised about the emergency ordinance (OUG) 114/2018, thus answering the head of junior ruling partner (the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, ALDE) Calin Popescu Tariceanu who proposed a thorough revision of the ordinance by the coalition.

Teodorovici said that the issues have been addressed, both in the banking and in the private pensions sectors, and the respective amendments have been approved, reported.

Indeed, on May 31, the Government passed an amendment addressing the concerns expressed by the managers of mandatory private pension funds. However, the IT and telecom committee in the Chamber of Deputies has issued on May 29 a negative review on OUG 114, thus recommending MPs to vote against it. The committee is controlled by opposition MPs, therefore the final outcome of the vote by the plenum of the Chamber remains unclear.

Members of the committee outlined that OUG 114 hinders the development of 5G networks in Romania due to the high taxes levied on telecom companies.

(Photo source: Shutterstock)


Romanian finance minister says no more amendments to “greed tax” ordinance needed

03 June 2019

Romanian finance minister Eugen Teodorovici believes not much has remained to be revised about the emergency ordinance (OUG) 114/2018, thus answering the head of junior ruling partner (the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, ALDE) Calin Popescu Tariceanu who proposed a thorough revision of the ordinance by the coalition.

Teodorovici said that the issues have been addressed, both in the banking and in the private pensions sectors, and the respective amendments have been approved, reported.

Indeed, on May 31, the Government passed an amendment addressing the concerns expressed by the managers of mandatory private pension funds. However, the IT and telecom committee in the Chamber of Deputies has issued on May 29 a negative review on OUG 114, thus recommending MPs to vote against it. The committee is controlled by opposition MPs, therefore the final outcome of the vote by the plenum of the Chamber remains unclear.

Members of the committee outlined that OUG 114 hinders the development of 5G networks in Romania due to the high taxes levied on telecom companies.

(Photo source: Shutterstock)




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