Nokia's former employees in Romania get EUR 200 each to shape up before job interviews

05 January 2012

Nokia's former employees in Jucu, Romania, who were laid off last year after the Finnish mobile phone producer decided to shut down its local factory, will receive EUR 200 each in EU funding for clothing, new haircuts and transport ahead of job interviews. The Workforce Agency in Cluj included this budget in the financing file approved by the EU. This would enable former Nokia employees who sign up for the program to pay for new clothing, new haircuts, transport and accommodation when searching for new jobs. They will have to provide receipts for these expenses.

The EU allotted a EUR 5 million budget for helping former Nokia employees in Romania get new jobs. Some of the money will be used for training courses, for those who seek another work area. Those who find jobs outside their home town will get EUR 500 each for relocation.

Nokia decided to close down its factory in Romania in fall last year, leaving around 2,200 unemployed. The company relocated production to Vietnam, which offers lower human resources costs.

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Nokia's former employees in Romania get EUR 200 each to shape up before job interviews

05 January 2012

Nokia's former employees in Jucu, Romania, who were laid off last year after the Finnish mobile phone producer decided to shut down its local factory, will receive EUR 200 each in EU funding for clothing, new haircuts and transport ahead of job interviews. The Workforce Agency in Cluj included this budget in the financing file approved by the EU. This would enable former Nokia employees who sign up for the program to pay for new clothing, new haircuts, transport and accommodation when searching for new jobs. They will have to provide receipts for these expenses.

The EU allotted a EUR 5 million budget for helping former Nokia employees in Romania get new jobs. Some of the money will be used for training courses, for those who seek another work area. Those who find jobs outside their home town will get EUR 500 each for relocation.

Nokia decided to close down its factory in Romania in fall last year, leaving around 2,200 unemployed. The company relocated production to Vietnam, which offers lower human resources costs.

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