Number of Facebook users from Romania could exceed 5 million this year

The number of Facebook accounts in Romania went up in the last 6 months, from 1.6 million to about 2.9 million, according to SocialBakers monitoring service. The cost of ads on Facebook have also risen, with the cost per click currently varying around USD 0.38.
“If the current pace keeps up, the platform could exceed 5 million users from Romania by the end of this year, making it a must have for any client’s marketing plan,” says Alex Visa, managing partner of HyperActive, who attended the Digital Marketing Forum event. “Growth potential in terms of communication is impressive, and a larger number of users automatically means greater pressure on marketing managers to take this platform increasingly seriously,” he also added.
The most rapidly growing age category is between 18 and 34, for both women and men. The Facebook penetration rate in Romania is up to 13.19 percent of the total population. The number of Romanian brand pages officially monitored by SocialBakers exceeds 60.
Irina Popescu