Official statistics: Romania has 461,000 unemployed

21 August 2014

The number of unemployed people in Romania increased by more than 19,000 in July compared to June, to 460,990, and the overall unemployment rate was 5.09%, said the labor force agency (ANOFM), quoted by Mediafax.

The counties which register the highest unemployment rates are Vaslui (10.8%), Teleorman (10.3%), Mehedinti (9.7%) and Galati (9.2%). More than a quarter of unemployed people are 40 to 49 years old. Some 112,000 unemployed received unemployment relief from the state in July. 



Official statistics: Romania has 461,000 unemployed

21 August 2014

The number of unemployed people in Romania increased by more than 19,000 in July compared to June, to 460,990, and the overall unemployment rate was 5.09%, said the labor force agency (ANOFM), quoted by Mediafax.

The counties which register the highest unemployment rates are Vaslui (10.8%), Teleorman (10.3%), Mehedinti (9.7%) and Galati (9.2%). More than a quarter of unemployed people are 40 to 49 years old. Some 112,000 unemployed received unemployment relief from the state in July. 



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