Only 3 expats among the 21 top executives in the race for the 11 spots on AmCham Romania’s board

A total of 21 top executives will be competing to get into AmCham Romania’s the board of directors this year. There are 11 places available on the board, so only about half of the candidates will get in.
Only three expats are in the race for AmCham’s board this year, which means that Romanian executives will hold the majority of the seats. The board is now made of six expats and five Romanians.
AmCham Romania’s board of directors will undergo a significant change this year, as six of the 11 current members, including the board president Daniela Nemoianu, haven’t applied for new mandates. Five of those who will leave the board are expats, some of them at the end of their mandates in Romania.
Belgian Tim Helsen left UPS Romania as he was named CEO of UPS Netherlands and Italian Valerio Brenciaglia, the former CEO of Ford Romania National Sales Company, moved to another position within Ford Italy.
The other three members who will leave AmCham’s board are American Nolan Townsend, the general manager of Pfizer Romania, Slovak Juraj Barus, the CFO of IBM Romania, and Jacopo Murzi, the Managing director of Janssen, Johnson & Johnson Romania.
The only expat that is in to renew his mandate is Microsoft Romania’s Greek CEO Kostas Lukas. The other two expat candidates are Estonian Jaak Mikkel, the CEO of Coca-Cola Romania and Moldova, and Azamat Zhangulov, senior vice president of KMG International, the owner of Romanian group Rompetrol.
The full list of candidates is available here.
AmCham Romania’s members can vote for their preferred candidates by March 30 when the Annual General Meeting will take place and the new board will be announced. Each member company can only vote once, and the vote shall be expressed by the CEO of the company or a delegated representative.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) is one of the biggest business and advocacy association in Romania, with over 400 members. It represents American, international, and local companies, and facilitates the dialogue between the business community and the central authorities.
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