Only 3 in 10 teachers in Romania get grade above 7 for permanent teaching jobs

Around 32 percent of the Romanian teachers who took the exam to get permanent teaching jobs in Romania did not pass the test. Only 30 percent received a grade above 7 and can choose one of the vacant jobs in the system. 52 teachers were graded with 1, half of them for the discipline Sports. 38 percent received grades between 5 and 7 and will be able to become tutor teachers. Only 26 teachers got the grade 10, the maximum.
29,200 people took the test in Romania. Around 4,000 of them graduated the university this year. Romania has 4,470 vacant teacher jobs that can become permanent jobs. Then system also includes 42,700 vacant positions which cannot become permanent jobs.
The most sought after disciplines were those of teachers for the 1st - 4th grade, Romanian language teachers, English language teachers, sports teachers, among others.
The results came soon after only 44.5 percent of the Romanian students passed the first session of the Bacalaureat exam- end of high school, which was the worst result for the exam in the last 20 years, according to the Ministry of Education.
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