Only one in six Romanians uses public transport regularly

Romania is the second country in the European Union (EU) by the percentage of people who use public transport regularly, with some 63 percent of Romanians saying they use public transport several times a month, shows a Eurobarometer published June 11, 2014.
Romania is only surpassed by Latvia, where 64 percent of the people say the use public transport regularly.
About 44 percent of Romanians are likely to use public transport at least once a week.
However, Romanians are among the least satisfied with the amenities for commuters they get from public transport. Some 50 percent of Romanians are dissatisfied with public transport facilities and 52 percent are not satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of urban public transport.
On the other hand, 50 percent of Romanians are satisfied with the ticket prices for urban public transport, compared to an average 39 percent at EU level.
Indeed, public transport ticket prices in Romania are among the lowest in the EU.
For example, a bus of tram ride in Bucharest, Romania’s largest city, costs RON 1.3 (30 eurocents), while a subway trip is RON 2 (EUR 0.45).
However, there is no official timetable for public transport in Bucharest (except for the subway) and people don’t really know how much they have to wait or how much it will take them to get from one place to another.