Opinion poll: Support for Romania's ruling coalition drops, but USL still well ahead of the competition

02 October 2012

Public support of Romania's governing Social Liberal Union (USL) is slipping away, according to a recent opinion poll. However, despite the drop in support, the USL is still well ahead of the newly formed coalition, the Right Romania Alliance.

The opinion poll, carried out by CSOP and published by Romanian newspaper Evenimentul Zilei yesterday (October 1 ) found that 48 percent of the electorate would vote for the USL, lower than the 54 percent suggested by a survey towards the end of August. The USL still looks on course to win the general elections on December 9, with only 24 percent of those questioned backing the opposition Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) and 12 percent expressing support for Dan Diaconescu's People's Party.

The opinion poll was commissioned by the PDL, surveyed 1,021 people and the results have a margin of error of +/- 3 percent, according to Evenimentul Zilei.



Opinion poll: Support for Romania's ruling coalition drops, but USL still well ahead of the competition

02 October 2012

Public support of Romania's governing Social Liberal Union (USL) is slipping away, according to a recent opinion poll. However, despite the drop in support, the USL is still well ahead of the newly formed coalition, the Right Romania Alliance.

The opinion poll, carried out by CSOP and published by Romanian newspaper Evenimentul Zilei yesterday (October 1 ) found that 48 percent of the electorate would vote for the USL, lower than the 54 percent suggested by a survey towards the end of August. The USL still looks on course to win the general elections on December 9, with only 24 percent of those questioned backing the opposition Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) and 12 percent expressing support for Dan Diaconescu's People's Party.

The opinion poll was commissioned by the PDL, surveyed 1,021 people and the results have a margin of error of +/- 3 percent, according to Evenimentul Zilei.





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