Outdoor dinosaur museum opens in Romania

30 July 2014

Dwarf dinosaurs used to roam free tens of millions of years ago in a region now called Tara Hategului in the South – Western part of Romania’s Transylvania region. The area is well known for the many dwarf dinosaur fossils which were discovered here, and now hosts an open air dinosaur museum.

The museum is located at the House of Dwarf Dinosaurs, in the Sanpetru village, where many dwarf dinosaur fossils were discovered in the last century. The house hosts the museum, with information and dinosaur egg fossils, as well as dinosaur replicas are located in the house’s yard.

This is part of the Tara Hategului Dinosaur Geopark.

Dwarf dinosaur egg nest becomes center piece at new Dinosaur Geopark information center in Romania

Dwarf dinosaur eggs stolen from Romania brought back from Italian collector

Fossils of new pterosaur species found in Romania’s dinosaur region


(photo source: Dragdehateg.org)


Outdoor dinosaur museum opens in Romania

30 July 2014

Dwarf dinosaurs used to roam free tens of millions of years ago in a region now called Tara Hategului in the South – Western part of Romania’s Transylvania region. The area is well known for the many dwarf dinosaur fossils which were discovered here, and now hosts an open air dinosaur museum.

The museum is located at the House of Dwarf Dinosaurs, in the Sanpetru village, where many dwarf dinosaur fossils were discovered in the last century. The house hosts the museum, with information and dinosaur egg fossils, as well as dinosaur replicas are located in the house’s yard.

This is part of the Tara Hategului Dinosaur Geopark.

Dwarf dinosaur egg nest becomes center piece at new Dinosaur Geopark information center in Romania

Dwarf dinosaur eggs stolen from Romania brought back from Italian collector

Fossils of new pterosaur species found in Romania’s dinosaur region


(photo source: Dragdehateg.org)


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