Over 39% of Romanian companies active on services segment while trade brings biggest turnover

Over 39 percent of the companies active in Romania in 2010 listed services as their main activity, according to the country's National Statistics Institute. The biggest number of employees though was recorded in industry, where 53,448 companies were active in 2010 – covering 11.4 percent of the total companies active in the commercial area, while 49,300 companies were active in construction, 185,000 in services and 181,900 in trade. There were a total of 470,000 active companies in Romania in 2010.
1.3 million people work in the industry segment in Romania – 36.1 percent of the total workers in the country, while 1.14 million worked in the services sector. There were 843,000 working in trade and 393,000 working on the construction segment.
In terms of turnover, the biggest weight was that of companies working in trade – 39.5 percent.
Corina Saceanu, corina@romania-insider.com