Over half of Romanians trust private clinics more but don't get annual checkups

07 September 2011

More than half of Romanians - 57 percent - have more confidence in the private health care facilities than in the public ones, according to a study conducted by IMAS and private healthcare operator MedLife. According to the same study, the quality of care in the health facility is the most important criteria for more than two thirds of the respondents who choose the private medical clinics. The doctor’s reputation is also one of the important criteria in choosing a private health facility for half of the respondents.

However, 58 percent of the Romanians do not attend annual routine health examination, or they go only when they have health problems. About 45 percent of the respondents said they have not made a routine medical examination in the past two years, while 6 percent have never been to such an examination.

The same study shows that the family doctor is the most important in choosing a specialist or a clinic. Thus, according to the study, two thirds of the respondents use the family doctor when choosing specialist or clinic. Other important sources of information in this regard are the family, friends or neighbors recommendations, and information on the Internet and media.

MedLife private clinic ranks first with 9 percent of the respondents when it comes of private clinics that Romanians have heard of, followed by Regina Maria with 6 percent, Medcenter and Medsana with 4 percent, Sanador and Medicover with 3 percent, according to the study. However, big cities residents positions MedLife first in the trust a private clinic category, with 32 percent. The second and third place are taken by Sanador clinics with 14 percent, Medicover with 6 percent and Regina Maria with 6 percent.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo source: MedLife)


Over half of Romanians trust private clinics more but don't get annual checkups

07 September 2011

More than half of Romanians - 57 percent - have more confidence in the private health care facilities than in the public ones, according to a study conducted by IMAS and private healthcare operator MedLife. According to the same study, the quality of care in the health facility is the most important criteria for more than two thirds of the respondents who choose the private medical clinics. The doctor’s reputation is also one of the important criteria in choosing a private health facility for half of the respondents.

However, 58 percent of the Romanians do not attend annual routine health examination, or they go only when they have health problems. About 45 percent of the respondents said they have not made a routine medical examination in the past two years, while 6 percent have never been to such an examination.

The same study shows that the family doctor is the most important in choosing a specialist or a clinic. Thus, according to the study, two thirds of the respondents use the family doctor when choosing specialist or clinic. Other important sources of information in this regard are the family, friends or neighbors recommendations, and information on the Internet and media.

MedLife private clinic ranks first with 9 percent of the respondents when it comes of private clinics that Romanians have heard of, followed by Regina Maria with 6 percent, Medcenter and Medsana with 4 percent, Sanador and Medicover with 3 percent, according to the study. However, big cities residents positions MedLife first in the trust a private clinic category, with 32 percent. The second and third place are taken by Sanador clinics with 14 percent, Medicover with 6 percent and Regina Maria with 6 percent.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com

(photo source: MedLife)




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