Over half of Romania’s urban population couldn't imagine a TV-free home

Over half of Romanians who live in urban areas say they can’t imagine their homes without a TV, while almost 60 percent leave the TV on without paying any attention to it, according to the Romanians: Multi-Screening Habits infographic, launched by Starcom Media Vest.
"Multi-screening is an experience that improves or develops the content received on the main screen. For Romanians, the mobile phone or the computer are the tools used to complete the info received via TV. Thus, the most frequent combinations of multi-screening in Romania are TV-mobile phone, computer- mobile phone or computer-TV," reads a statement of Starcom Media Vest, cited by local Mediafax.
According to the study, 28 percent of Romanians own a smartphone they use daily to search (at home or on the move) info on products, restaurants or travel. Also, eight out of ten smartphone users use the device while listening to music, watching TV, reading newspapers, or watching movies.
Over 30 percent of respondents would rather give up TV than their phone.
“Millennials” are those for which multi-screening comes naturally. Five out of ten "millennials" are connecting to the internet on a daily basis from the mobile phone and almost all of then from the computer. Each device has its role: computers offer entertainment and information, mobile phones are used for fun and for keeping in touch with the others and tablets are used for relaxation.
For them, the main screen is the mobile phone or the computer, from where they can connect to the internet. They consider the TV to be the secondary screen, used by 67 percent as information source or background noise.
Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com