Education NGO sets up libraries for kindergarten children

Asociaţia OvidiuRO, co-founded by Maria Gheorghiu and Leslie Hawke, has kicked off a new project, aiming to set up libraries for kindergarten children.
The project, called “Every child deserves a story,” is rolled out nationally in a partnership with the Education Ministry, Adevarul reported.
The project targets underprivileged communities, where children will have a friendly library and also receive the first book to take home.
At the same time, kindergarten teachers receive special reading kits they can use with their students, while 15 kindergartens will receive specially-designed shelves, allowing the covers of the books to be seen, and books for children.
“’Every child deserves a story’ is a continuation of our previous endeavor [e.n. Every child in kindergarten] […] Once children are in kindergarten, it is important that they have access to good resources and books are very important; attracting kids towards books in the first years of life is very important. It is a pity that libraries are missing in kindergartens because there are plenty of good books for children,” Maria Gheorghiu (pictured), cofounder of OvidiuRO Association, said, quoted by Adevarul.
One of the books to be added to the kindergarten libraries is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, translated from English for this project.
(Photo: Asociatia OvidiuRo Facebook Page)