(P) The hybrid schooling system - is this for real?
Are you a parent with a job requiring a lot of traveling and not wanting to be away from your family? Are you a student who wants a flexible learning environment to have other extracurricular activities and travel whenever, wherever you want? Then yes - the hybrid schooling system is an excellent fit for you.
But the main question remains: will this benefit your educational progress, or will it just benefit your well-being? While well-being is essential for your academic progress and a drive for it, educational success in hybrid schooling is directly related to being organized as a student and involved as a parent.
What is hybrid schooling?
The hybrid schooling system represents the type of education that combines online, virtual, and in-person learning. It is a great combination that demands commitment and organizing skills to be truly beneficial to students.
The benefits of a hybrid schooling system are different from the traditional one. Some of the most important are:
- Flexibility
Students can study from anywhere, at any time, at their own pace. This allows them to choose their studying hours, either when they are most focused or when they are not involved in other activities.
- Improved organizational skills
Having good organizational skills is essential for the future. These skills are also necessary for your future career. Many universities opt for online classes, and being able to learn in an online environment is essential.
- Accessibility to the courses as many times as needed
There is no shame in taking more time to get through certain informationand needing to go through the courses again and again until you are sure you have truly understood. A hybrid learning schooling system gives you access to the curricula as often as you want.
- An increased student presence
Student absenteeism has many reasons, some subjective and others objective. Regardless of the reason, a hybrid schooling system increases students' presence. They feel safer and learn better from a well known environment.
- Access to a global community of students
Connection is important for social human beings.
Learning in an international environment helps you form many relationships worldwide. While these are virtual at first, you can go to different school programs and meet your colleagues from other parts of the world. More than this, access to an international community help students understand different cultures, become more empathetic, understand that people are different, and accept everyone for who they are.
The benefits of the hybrid learning system weigh a lot in deciding what type of schooling you should choose. However, besides the benefits, there are also some cons - which should be weighed just as much.
- The need for strong organisational skills
Education can be more accessible when you are in a comfortable environment. However, it can also be tricky. Being able to focus and prioritize learning can take time. But with the help of your parents, you can quickly learn to organise.
- Technological updates
You need a good and safe computer system and a great internet connection when opting for online education. More than this, some courses need specific software, and you may have to buy those.
- Low peers interaction
While e-learning can sometimes have a low peer interaction, hybrid learning is slightly different. Good hybrid schools have specific hours for live meetings with peers, mentors, and tutors. In a hybrid learning environment, students can socialize with their peers and colleagues in informal social interactions.
- Smaller online participation
When learning online, students tend to feel there is no need to pay attention. However, as students can take the hybrid lessons any time of the day, students need to understand they can choose to learn when they are rested.
- Higher responsibility for students
Regarding learning, the responsibility is significant as students' future depends on their education path. This may be more stressful for some, but if they have their parents and teachers to guide them, they can successfully embrace this responsibility.
- Higher responsibility for parents
Parents who choose a hybrid learning system for their children need to understand they have to support them. This means helping them stay organised, checking from time to time the studying level, and being available for their children's school needs.
The offers
There are many hybrid international learning schools to choose from.
Spark School is an international hybrid high school that has the British curriculum, which is internationally recognized. At Spark, you have all the advantages of a hybrid learning environment, and more than this, we support parents to understand where they fit in in your learning journey.
Present times call for an education that is both agile and adaptive to the new technologies. While traditional education is still valuable for many students, hybrid schooling has proven to be the perfect option for those students who need flexibility in their lives.
Discover Spark Learning Environment
If you are a student and have doubts about what type of educational system to choose, read, get acquainted with the possibilities you have, and see how they respond to your needs. For extra information, our school employees are always here to help you.
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