Romanian Parliament votes public television’s GM

29 March 2018

Romania’s Parliament voted Doina Gradea as president of the board and general manager of the public television company SRTv.

Gradea took over as interim general manager of the company at the end of September 2017, after the Parliament rejected the television’s activity report for 2016 and dismissed the previous board led by Irina Radu. She was executive director of PRO TV International from 2004 until 2014.

The Parliament’s reunited chambers also validated the company’s board of directors, which is made of 13 members. Four members were proposed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), namely Doina Gradea, Smaranda Vornicu Shalit, Sorin Ilieşiu and Bogdan Ghiţulescu, two members were proposed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), namely Cristian Vasile Petcu and Liviu Brătescu, one member was poposed by the Save Romania Union (USD), namely Dorin Dan Lazea, one nomination came from the Hungarian Union (UDMR), Nagy Debreczeni Hajnalka, and one from the minorities, Cornea Raico.

The Government nominated Cătălin Blebea, the Presidency nominated Christel Ţopescu, and the TVR employees asked to be represented by journalists Monica Ghiurco and Karen Sebesi.


Romanian Parliament votes public television’s GM

29 March 2018

Romania’s Parliament voted Doina Gradea as president of the board and general manager of the public television company SRTv.

Gradea took over as interim general manager of the company at the end of September 2017, after the Parliament rejected the television’s activity report for 2016 and dismissed the previous board led by Irina Radu. She was executive director of PRO TV International from 2004 until 2014.

The Parliament’s reunited chambers also validated the company’s board of directors, which is made of 13 members. Four members were proposed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), namely Doina Gradea, Smaranda Vornicu Shalit, Sorin Ilieşiu and Bogdan Ghiţulescu, two members were proposed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), namely Cristian Vasile Petcu and Liviu Brătescu, one member was poposed by the Save Romania Union (USD), namely Dorin Dan Lazea, one nomination came from the Hungarian Union (UDMR), Nagy Debreczeni Hajnalka, and one from the minorities, Cornea Raico.

The Government nominated Cătălin Blebea, the Presidency nominated Christel Ţopescu, and the TVR employees asked to be represented by journalists Monica Ghiurco and Karen Sebesi.




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