Photo of the Day by Dreamstime: Blue Lake

The Romania Photo of the Day created in partnership with stock photo provider Dreamstime aims to highlight the best of Romania. From stunning landscapes and popular tourist destinations and landmarks to people, traditions, and food, this series helps you discover Romania one photo at a time. This week, we put the focus on Romanian mountain lakes.
At the foot of the Gutâi Mountains in Maramureș lies a very special body of water called Blue Lake. (Photo source - click on the number to get to the photo 233643292 / Lake © Herman Vlad |
A protected natural area, the lake was formed by the collapse of a mining gallery around the year 1920 and is unique in all of Europe, as it has the property of changing color from emerald green to shades of turquoise, then to blue, depending on the season, the position of the sun and the temperature. This phenomenon occurs due to the high mineral concentration of the lake’s water (sulfur, iron, and copper), which also causes a total absence of fauna and flora, with only micro-organisms existing in it.
The Blue Lake is located on the administrative territory of Baia Sprie, and is today under the care of the Administration of the Natural Park of the Maramures Mountains.
Baia Sprie, a mining town attested since 1329, whose central area still contains beautiful buildings from the 18th-19th centuries, ( tells us) also presents a rich speo-mining tourist offer, from the Lepsudicla Filoniu Seam to the Zorilor Crack, the Francisk Shaft and the Borcut Mine.
From the center of Baia Sprie to the lake it is about a 40-minute walk through the forest.