Ploiesti-Brasov motorway - no sooner than 2029

Romania's public road construction and management company CNAIR launched a tender for remaking the feasibility study for the Ploiesti-Brasov motorway, which will take 30 months.
The project will be financed under the European Union's 2021-2027 budget, but the feasibility study should be remade to spot all the risks, according to the documents published by CNAIR.
The winner of the tender will remake the feasibility study and draft the technical blueprint as well.
The motorway should allow a transit speed of 120 km/h and, where possible, 140 km/h.
If the entire calendar inked by CNAIR is observed, the motorway will be ready within no less than 107 months, or nearly nine years, according to the calculations of Adevarul daily. The feasibility study for the route was drafted for the first time in 2006.
CNAIR expects to pay between RON 48.8 mln (EUR 10 mln) and RON 57.7 mln (EUR 12 mln) plus VAT for the feasibility study and the technical blueprint. The bids are expected by October 20.
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