Polish ABC Data buys into Romanian Scop Computers with EUR 5 million

Polish company ABC Data has taken over a 50.9 percent share package in local Scop Computers and plans to buy the remainder of the shares in the following three years. The total price of the block of 846 shares of Scop Computers on the day of the transaction was EUR 5 million, according to ABC Data. The price of acquisition may be increased by a maximum of EUR1.6 million if certain conditions, connected with Scop's future financial results, specified in detail in the agreement, are met and mostly depend on the level of net profit reached in 2010.
Scop Computers, with 130 employees and a turnover of EUR 80 million last year, is one of the biggest IT&C distributions companies in Romania, having been set up 16 years ago. ABC Data is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and expects EUR 600 million in revenues for 2010. The company has been working in Poland for the last 20 years and expanded regionally from 2005.