Poll shows a dominant “grand coalition” and divided opposition in Romania

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Liberal Party (PSD) would get together 53% of the votes in the elections for the European Parliament and would dominate the local elections as well with 35% respectively 21% of the votes, according to the latest CURS poll carried out in March.
The moderate United Right Alliance (USR-PMP-FD) and radical AUR party would get 14% of the votes each in the European elections and similar support (13% of the votes) in the local elections, according to the poll quoted by Hotnews.ro.
Radical SOS Romania and ethnic Hungarian party UDMR would get 5% of the votes in the European elections and 4%-5% in the local elections.
The CURS survey was conducted between March 19-28 on a sample of 1,067 people with a margin of error of +/-3%.
(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/Dreamstime.com)