Postal Union: The Romanian Post has a tumor of 400-500 useless employees

The Romanian Post currently has a tumor of 400-500 people that are useless.
They don’t work, but they are on the payroll and they cash in big salaries, said yesterday Matei Bratianu, the leader of the Postal Workers Union in Romania (SLPR), cited by local Agerpres.
The Post has had five general managers in the last seven years. Every time a new GM came, he brought his own team offering them management positions, Bratianu said. This has led to some 400-500 useless employees along the years.
Also, the Romanian Post has 100 experts who are paid over EUR 1,500 per month. They are in fact former managers who wanted to keep their positions, according to the SLPR president.
The profit announced by the Romanian Post for the last year is a perverse one, Bratianu added. It was made possible only through layoffs.
The Romanian Post is one of the biggest companies in Romania by the number of employees, with a headcount of over 20,000.