PPC’s electricity distribution subsidiaries in Romania get EUR 38mn grant from Modernisation Fund

The Romanian Ministry of Energy and the three regional electricity distribution subsidiaries (Muntenia, Banat, and Dobrogea), part of the Greek PPC group in Romania, signed three non-reimbursable (grant) financing contracts through the Modernization Fund for projects aimed at electricity distribution infrastructure in Ilfov, Călărași and Arad counties.
The three investment projects have a total value of over RON265 mn, of which the amount covered by the Modernization Fund amounts to almost RON191mn (EUR 38mn, 72% of the total project’s cost).
As part of the projects, more than 90 transformer stations will be modernized, as well as approximately 126 km of medium voltage network, respectively 170 km of low voltage cables. Approximately 5,000 connections will be restored.
(Photo: Romolo Tavani / Dreamstime)