Prefect of Romanian county most affected by snowstorms to be dismissed

29 January 2014

The poor results of snow removal efforts in the southern and eastern parts of Romania affected by snowstorms and the lack of communication at a local level are likely to trigger dismissals of some local authorities.

The Government is expected to name a new prefect for the county of Buzau in its meeting on Wednesday, January 29, as current prefect Gabriel Balta was found unable to manage the interventions. The prefect represents the Romanian Government locally, and is named by the central authorities, while mayors are elected.

“We will name a new prefect capable of handling this difficult period. It is valid for everyone else in the Interior Ministry and in the Government,” said Prime Minister Victor Ponta. He previously said all those who did not rise to expectations will be replaced, reminding that in Buzau “ things did not go well”.

Buzau was the county most affected by the snowstorms in recent days, and three days into the bad weather, five villages were still shut-in by the snow. When asked by TV reporters what were the five villages, the prefect did not know their names, which was criticized by Government members. They asked prefects and presidents of county councils to speak directly to mayors of villages in their county, and not delegate tasks and communication to clerks in their institutions.


Prefect of Romanian county most affected by snowstorms to be dismissed

29 January 2014

The poor results of snow removal efforts in the southern and eastern parts of Romania affected by snowstorms and the lack of communication at a local level are likely to trigger dismissals of some local authorities.

The Government is expected to name a new prefect for the county of Buzau in its meeting on Wednesday, January 29, as current prefect Gabriel Balta was found unable to manage the interventions. The prefect represents the Romanian Government locally, and is named by the central authorities, while mayors are elected.

“We will name a new prefect capable of handling this difficult period. It is valid for everyone else in the Interior Ministry and in the Government,” said Prime Minister Victor Ponta. He previously said all those who did not rise to expectations will be replaced, reminding that in Buzau “ things did not go well”.

Buzau was the county most affected by the snowstorms in recent days, and three days into the bad weather, five villages were still shut-in by the snow. When asked by TV reporters what were the five villages, the prefect did not know their names, which was criticized by Government members. They asked prefects and presidents of county councils to speak directly to mayors of villages in their county, and not delegate tasks and communication to clerks in their institutions.




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