Romanian president promulgates law on combating ragweed

09 March 2018

Anyone who has a plot of land in Romania will be required to take measures to destroy the ragweed, a weed that usually grows on unattended land and on the side of roads that can cause serious allergies, according to a draft bill the Romanian president promulgated on Thursday, March 8. Those who fail to respect the law risk fines of up to RON 20,000.

The project, which was initiated by a group of liberal MPs, was voted by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. It will come into force after being published in the Official Gazette.

The law has two components, namely one for prevention and information and another one that provides that landowners must destroy this plant to stop it from spreading. Those who fail to meet this obligation risk being fined between RON 750 and RON 5,000, in the case of individuals, and between RON 5,000 and RON 20,000, in the case of companies.

The ragweed produces flowers in August-September, when it causes severe allergies that can even incapacitate some people.

Romanian researchers work on vaccine against ragweed allergy

Irina Marica,

(photo source: Wikipedia)


Romanian president promulgates law on combating ragweed

09 March 2018

Anyone who has a plot of land in Romania will be required to take measures to destroy the ragweed, a weed that usually grows on unattended land and on the side of roads that can cause serious allergies, according to a draft bill the Romanian president promulgated on Thursday, March 8. Those who fail to respect the law risk fines of up to RON 20,000.

The project, which was initiated by a group of liberal MPs, was voted by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. It will come into force after being published in the Official Gazette.

The law has two components, namely one for prevention and information and another one that provides that landowners must destroy this plant to stop it from spreading. Those who fail to meet this obligation risk being fined between RON 750 and RON 5,000, in the case of individuals, and between RON 5,000 and RON 20,000, in the case of companies.

The ragweed produces flowers in August-September, when it causes severe allergies that can even incapacitate some people.

Romanian researchers work on vaccine against ragweed allergy

Irina Marica,

(photo source: Wikipedia)




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