Press Release: HR Executive Learning Breakfast, the Signature Event Series by Romania Insider and IDEOGRAF, Goes Online and Ideograf kicked off, last week, the 8th edition of the HR Executive Learning Breakfast series – this time, in online. Tackling an exciting topic, "How to get your business in shape for the new normal. Teams going Agile - HR case studies from Romanian founders", the webinar brought together two highly successful Romanian businesspeople – Monica Cadogan and Sergiu Neguț, who managed to grow two outstanding companies. They discussed about how teams and organizations can become more agile, especially against the backdrop of coronavirus crisis, when companies need to speedily adapt to the “new normal”. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to connect with the speakers and receive answers in real-time.
The webinar, moderated by Sandra Jitianu, business owner IDEOGRAF, featured a live Q&A session with the speakers and a "speed-dating" session with fellow HR experts and entrepreneurs.
Monica Cadogan, Co-founder and CEO of Vivre shared some key facts that allow a company to become agile: maintain the client focus, trust, and build more visibility on both sides, encourage instant communication. “At Vivre, our recipe for success is to innovate, promote creativity, learn constantly, take risks and measure. Creativity does not have to stay with the designer team, a financial expert, for instance, can become creative too. We are now examining our areas of activity at a more granular level and looking for small engines that could drive us in the time to come”, declared Monica Cadogan.
Sergiu Neguț, Co-Founder and Board Director of FintechOS shared important HR best practices, especially in this critical period. “HR is all about resources and capabilities. It looks for know-how in good people and organizes them for good goals. We as HR people are responsible for the ethos of the company. People will follow leaders with an ethos, despite salary cuts in this period”. He also spoke about how innovation can be enhanced in the organization: “It is very important to be able to pinpoint your successful projects and your failed projects, and you need to know when to call them out and stop. People should be able to recognize when a project is a failure, without the fear of punishment”. Sergiu Neguț considers that authenticity is key, especially in these challenging times when co-workers are separated by lenses and screens. People are usually afraid to be authentic; it makes them feel vulnerable, but this is fundamental in building teams.
For the second half of the event – the “speed dating” session with HR executives and entrepreneurs, participants were divided into groups and shared how they can apply the concepts discussed and make their organizations more agile.
Sandra Jitianu, co-organizer of the event series and Business Owner at IDEOGRAF, commented: “Our aim with this learning series is to offer HR managers and entrepreneurs bite-sized actionable learnings from practitioners who share what has been working for their businesses. We are happy that the online format of our Executive Learning events was so well-received and well-attended. In our next event on May 28th we are exploring how to build this sense of community that keeps teams engaged even when a face-to-face connection is missing”.
Volker Moser from also added: “With this event, we managed to transfer the networking experience that was so appreciated in our face to face meetings to online. Feedback from participants and from some of our Romania Insider ULTRA-community members on content and on networking opportunities has been very good. We will continue to expand our online services by providing meaningful content and make use of our platform in diverse ways while sticking to our journalistic principles."
The next online event of the HR Executive Learning series is scheduled for May 28. The topic is just as interesting: “Employee engagement during and after social distancing: A framework for building a remote community feeling”. The speakers are Marius Istrate, former Chief People Officer at UiPath and Vlad Craioveanu, Co-Founder of Impact Hub. Moderator will be, this time as well, Sandra Jitianu. Seats can be booked here.
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IDEOGRAF was founded in 2017 by Sandra Jitianu, management consultant with expertise in Human Resources and Change Management, having 15 years of project management and consulting missions in industries including utilities, oil and gas, financial services, retail, manufacturing and professional services. Sandra is the co-organizer and director of the HR Executive Learning series.
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