Price of industrial production up 4.5 percent y-o-y in Romania

Romania witnessed the sixth highest annual growth in the price of industrial production in the European Union in March, according to data released by Eurostat. This was three times more than the average in the EU. Production prices grew in Romania by 4.5 percent, while in Greece the growth was of 7.9 percent, UK, 5.6 percent, Denmark and Finland, 5.5 percent each and Belgium, 5 percent. The EU average was of 1.7 percent. There were several countries in which the prices of industrial production has actually dropped: Latvia saw a drop of 7.8 percent, Slovakia, of 6.1 percent and Germany, 1.7 percent. The month-on-month increase in the price pf industrial production was of 0.7 percent in Romania in March, similarly to France and Germany.