RO Social Democrats insist on amending taxation system

Romania's senior ruling force, the Social Democratic Party (PSD), will initiate a thorough debate over the country's taxation system - with the participation of the investors, National Bank of Romania and academics, party's deputy prime minister Sorin Grindeanu stated in a TV show at Digi24.
He said that within a couple of months, the parties involved might reach a robustly reasoned conclusion.
Grindeanu argued that only four of the European Union's member states have such flat tax rates as Romania - which, furthermore, has a long list of exceptions to the so-called "flat tax rate."
"I trust our reasoning will be very good, so that we will end with a different tax system," Grindeanu steed - leaving the door open to any outcome of the discussion, though. "Let's not anticipate, some things might sound good [on paper], and in practice, they might have exactly the opposite effects," he said, quoted by Bursa.
(Photo: Gabriel Petrescu/ Dreamstime)