Public sector employees in Romania are paid 32% more than those in the private sector

The average salary of employees in the public sector (bonuses not included) is 32% higher than in the private sector, while the revenues achieved in the public sector (bonuses included) are 43% higher, according to the Social Monitor, a project of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania.
The discrepancy between sectors has widened especially in the period 2016-2018, reported.
However, the reports explain that the disparity between the two sectors must be linked to the differences between the share of different occupations.
Thus, in the public sector, specialists (positions that require a university degree) represent 43% of employees, while in the private sector, they are only 16%. Furthermore, in private enterprises, 43% are workers (skilled and unskilled), compared to only 21% in the public sector.
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