Survey: Close to three quarters of companies in Romania implemented hybrid work

A total of 72% of the companies surveyed in the HR Barometer of PwC Romania implemented hybrid work and granted employees and teams freedom to decide on working from the office. The presence in the office remains low, less than 25% of the staff, but in the long run more than 56% of the respondents estimate a significant increase in the share of those working from the office, between 50 and 75% of the employees, according to the survey released on December 22.
Only 8% of the respondents implemented remote work exclusively, and 11% are working only from the office, in keeping with current legal provisions.
Compared to 2020, when the uncertainty was greater and employees preferred the safety of a job, this year staff turnover increased. A total of 30% of the respondents said it increased significantly, 35% that there are no notable differences, 28% that it increased moderately to negligibly, and 6% that it dropped.
More than half of the companies revised upwards the salary budgets estimated for next year. Of the respondents, 28% increased the salary budget for 2022 by three percentage points, 15% by up to three percentage points, 46% kept the estimated 2022 budget, 8% have not yet taken a decision, and 1% lowered it.
The average salary increase for 2022 in the surveyed industries amounts to 7%. The highest increase rates of the 2022 salary budget were found in IT& Telecom (8.6%), industrial products (8.5%), retail (8.3%), while the lowest was in the insurance sector (4.6%).
Among the new benefits employers introduced or upgraded in the employees’ packages are the extended medical packages, an increase in the value of the meal vouchers, benefits for working from home, well-being packages, additional leave days or reduced working hours during the summer, and holiday vouchers.
The two priorities announced by HR departments for 2022 are attracting and developing critical skills for the future and developing leaders/ successors, the survey found. These are followed by covering the workforce needs, an increase in productivity or lowering costs, and rethinking the compensation strategy.
PwC Romania’s HR Barometer was carried out between December 12 and December 21, using information provided by 71 companies active in IT & Telecom, retail, FMCG, pharmaceuticals, financial services, industry and insurance. Of the surveyed companies, 17% have more than 3,000 employees, 20% between 1,001 and 3,000 employees, 13% between 501 and 1,000 employees, 32% between 101 and 500 employees, and 18% less than 100 employees.
(Photo: Pattanaphong Khuankaew/ Dreamstime)