A quarter of Romanians believe that the Greek crisis will affect Romania

A recent INSCOP survey reveals that 25% of Romanians believe that the crisis in Greece will have a great impact on Romania’s economy and population. 27% think that the situation in Greece will not affect Romania in any way, while 34% believe that Romania will be affected to a small extent.
Almost 49% of respondents say that citizens of a country should make sacrifices for their country to pay its debts on time. On the other hand, over 40% think that no such sacrifices should be made.
Considering the recent talks about the Grexit, 54.5% of respondents think that Romania doesn’t face any risk because it hasn’t joined the euro area yet, and it still uses the national currency leu. Only 24% believe that Romania would have a better economic situation if it would be in the euro area.
Inscop Research conducted the study between July 9 and July 14, at the request of Adevarul newspaper. The study was carried on a sample of over 1,000 people aged 18 and over 18.
Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com