Raiffeisen Bank Romania chooses responsibility as theme for its brand repositioning

Raiffeisen Bank presented on Friday its new brand positioning strategy and launched a new communication campaign whose main theme is responsibility.
The theme was chosen after 98% of the bank’s clients who participated in a survey said responsibility was important for success in business.
“The new positioning is the result of an effort to understand and prioritize the factors in our organization’s DNA that match the values in which most people believe. This is why we have considered it’s important to talk more about responsibility, shedding light on the Romanians’ day to day responsible behavior,” said Steven van Groningen, president and CEO of Raiffeisen Bank.
A survey Ipsos carried out at the beginning of this year for Raiffeisen shows that most Romanians feel responsible for their families (98%), for the environment (95%), friends (92%), or people that can’t help themselves (91%). The study also shows that most Romanians learn to be responsible at home, from their parents.