Emotions: Romanian wildlife photographer Rareș Beșliu launches 300-page photobook

Romanian wildlife photographer Rareș Beșliu released a new photobook dedicated to species from all over the world, from the birds of the Danube Delta and the bears of the Carpathians to the puffins of the Faroes, the flamingos of Cuba, the squirrels of Canada, and the polar bears of the North Pole. Titled Emoții/Emotions, the 300-page book includes 151 photographs taken in the past four years.
Most of the images are accompanied by bilingual texts (Romanian and English), stories from memories or imagination, legends, poems or songs, which make the readers feel that they're there, in the middle of nature.
Both the pictures and the words are meant to create emotions of fear or courage, dreaming, sadness, hope, or love - emotions that both the animals felt in front of the lens and the photographer behind the camera.
"To think that animals have no emotions is like thinking we are alone on Earth. After spending so much time with them, I'm convinced that they feel the same as we do, even if their cheeks don't blush and their hands don't shake, even if they don't have wrinkles to frown or voices to say 'I miss you.' I've put my soul into this album, and I hope that its readers feel it too and that I manage to bring them one step closer to nature and make them love it as it deserves," Rareș Beșliu said.
Emotions can be ordered from the author's website and Humanitas bookstores.
Rareș Beșliu is documenting nature and wildlife beyond the Arctic Circle through a series of northern expeditions to Svalbard, Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Besides Romania, he also traveled to several other places for his projects, including Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland, Cuba, Cyprus, Canada, Italy, and the Czech Republic.
(Photo source: Rares Besliu)