Record levels of gas and energy consumption in Romania

The national electricity consumption has reached record levels of over 9,400 MW these days, according to Transelectrica. On a normal winter day, the consumption doesn’t exceed 9,000 MW.
The gas consumption has also increased due to the low temperatures. Romania could reach a consumption of 60 million cubic meters of gas per day if temperatures remain extremely low, said Energy Minister Victor Vlad Grigorescu, reports local Agerpres. On a typical winter day, Romania’s consumption reaches about 50 million cubic meters of gas.
Romania has been experiencing some of the coldest winter days in recent years, with temperatures going down as low as minus 20-25 degrees during the nights and staying negative during daytime. Thus, the electricity and gas consumption for heating has increased.
However, Romania has enough gas and power resources to cover for the higher consumption, according to state officials.