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Registration of residence for citizens of the European Union

Registration of residence for citizens of the European Union/Citizens of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation who wish to reside for a period of more than 3 months in Romania must register their residence with the territorial formations of the General Inspectorate for Immigration in the County he is going to live.
For these, it will be possible to issue documents such as:
- Certificate of registration (for EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens);
- Residence card (for family members of EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens;
- Permanent residence card (for both EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens and their family members).
Therefore, in order to obtain the registration certificate/residence card, an application must be made to the territorial formation of the Immigration Inspectorate in the county where the person is to live, together with a series of documents, depending on the purpose of staying in Romania.
The purposes for obtaining a residence permit for EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens, although not limiting, are:
- Employment;
- Detachment;
- Commercial and economic activities;
- Volunteering and humanitarian activities;
- Religious activities;
- Studies.
Thus, EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizens and their family members can work in Romania independently / dependently under the same conditions as Romanian citizens.
The registration certificate will be issued on the same day and will be valid for a period of up to 5 years, but not less than 1 year.
The residence card will be issued within 90 days of the date of application, with a validity of up to 5 years, but not longer than the period of residence of the EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation citizen whose family member is the applicant.
Subsequent applications for an extension of the residence card will be issued no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the application.
It should be noted that if there are changes in the name, surname, citizenship, address and in case of loss or theft, destruction, or damage of the document certifying residence in the territory of the Romanian state, another registration certificate or another residence card must be obtained. For this, they will be submitted to the Immigration Inspectorate, in addition to the documents necessary for the issuance of the residence card and the proof of the changes that occurred or of the declaration of theft or loss of the respective document.
EU / EEA citizens and / or their family members who have a continuous and legal residence in Romania for a period of more than 5 years may apply for permanent residence.
The permanent residence card is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of issue, except for those issued to minors up to 14 years of age, whose validity is 5 years from the date of issue.
Author: Attorney at law Cristian Badea, Law Office Grecu & Partners.
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